This study was carried out to determine the influence of entry grades in economics and financial accounting on colleges of education students‟ academic performance in principles of account I in North-central Zone, Nigeria. The study had five objectives, five research questions and fivenull hypotheses. Ex-post facto research design was adopted for the study. The population was 1,463,and the Sample was 193 students of six colleges selected from the twenty colleges, using purposive sampling technique. The research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation. Null hypotheses one, two, three were tested using Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, while t-test statistical was used to test null hypothesis four. All the null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. From the analysis, null hypotheses one, two, and three were rejected, while null hypotheses four was retained. The findings revealed, among others, that entry grades in economics and financial accounting had significant influence on colleges of education students‟ academic performance in principles of account I.Based on the findings, the researcher concluded that, credit and above grades in economics and financial accounting facilitates better understanding which enhanced colleges of education students‟ academic performance in principles of account I. Among the four recommendations made by the researcher, one is to make credit and above passesin economics and financial accounting a compulsory entry requirements for students opting for business education in tertiary institutions in Nigeria.
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